Specializing in pre-natal allows me to help women who may be having challenges during their pregnancies and women who want to feel and function at their optimal level. The common aches, pains and instabilities that go along with being pregnant are greatly relieved with chiropractic care thorough out the pregnancy. The Webster technique is designed to stabilize the pelvis for the best positioning possible for the baby during birth. During both my pregnancies this procedure was very helpful and felt great! We have had great success with assisting babies to position properly for birth to avoid medical intervention.

Also working with the pediatric population gives me great joy! Infants can be adjusted starting within the first 48 hours to help with any birth trauma that may have occurred during the birth process. Children respond amazingly to chiropractic and they love getting adjusted. We use a gentle technique to adjust the young spine that is much different than used on most of our adult patients. Most conditions can be improved during child hood as children heal at a much faster rate than adults. Some of our patients have experienced improvement from colic, ear infections, bed wetting, car accident injuries, sports injuries and falls. Regular chiropractic adjustments improve immune system function to prevent dis-ease.

Specializing in pre-natal and pediatrics gives me the fantastic opportunities, to not only impact these patients but the entire family. Treating the aging or Geriatric population has provided me with the opportunity to improve their health and functionality, while reducing pain levels. I treat the whole family to improve health throughout the household, so ALL are feeling the vitality that comes with a truly healthy body!